Home Loan

Home is where the heart is!

At Second Opinion, we understand this better than most – the toil and sweat that goes into building/ buying a house and the subsequent pride and joy of owning one. This is why our Housing loan schemes are designed to make it simple for you to make a choice at least as far as financing goes!
Home loans are loans that are taken for the purpose of buying a house. Home loans are secured loans. The house acts as a collateral or security to the loan.

Home loans, also known as mortgages, use the borrower’s home for collateral. This home can be a single-family house up to a four-unit property, as well as a condominium or cooperative unit. Lenders fund home loans, but both the lenders themselves and brokers who act on behalf of the lenders originate, or process, them.

For more information, please do contact us